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Colouring in

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Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy | Isadora Moon | Project X | Winnie and Wilbur

Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy



Isadora Moon

Isadora's play tent

Isadora loves playing in her tent at home.

Tea under the sea

Isadora and Pink Rabbit join two mermaids for tea.

The fair

Join Isadora on her trip to the fairground.

Winter bedroom

Transform Isadora's room into a winter wonderland.

Winter treats

Have hot chocolate with Isadora and her friends.

Birthday cake

Help Isadora decorate this enormous birthday cake.

More Isadora Moon activities

Want more Isadora Moon? Take a look at our free activities.

Project X




Winnie and Wilbur

Winnie's broken wand

Winnie has broken her magic wand! Colour the picture and fill in the speech bubble.

Flying Wilbur

Help Wilbur fly by drawing in balloons and other flying things.

Winnie's new hat

Design and draw a stylish (or not!) new hat for Winnie.

More Winnie activities

Discover more Winnie and Wilbur games and activities.